Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sakyamuni Buddha-a Narrative Biography

The author "Nikkyo Niwano (Late) provides us the most truthful biography of Lord Buddha, a very simple, elagant, trustworthy and truthful story. No myths, no manipulation of details on people, places, events.

NOTE: "Sha" in Shakyamuni is a sanskrit word, to eliminate sanksrit from my writings, I write lord buddha's name as truely as: Sakaya, which is the clan Lord Buddha blelongs to at that time 5th century BC"

This book is a treasure, especially, for someone who is new to Buddhism or for those who do not know much about buddhism and lord buddha, this book can be a treasure. And, for those who are learned and earned knowledged about Buddha, there is lots of myths added in many books, you should read this book. In several places in the book, when author narrates the life events and activities of Buddha, it almost takes you to Buddha's place, a lively account of Buddha.
I bought this book at the "Shambala Mountain", one of the Buddhsit retreat center near "Fort Collins" in Colarado, US. There is a bookstore within the Shambala Mountain Buddhist center, I am not sure where else it is available, but you should be able to find out in one of the book sellers. But, if you are unable to find one, contact me at:, I will arrange for a copy at whatever price the store from Shambala sells.

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