Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ashvaghosha The Awakening of Faith

Ashvagosha was one of the most respected Indian Poet and Buddhist, who's poems and writings had an outstanding influence on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. He said in his preface (unpublished) of the Book Buddha and Dhamma like this: I would particularly like to mention Ashvaghosha's BuddhavitaBuddhacharita], whose poetry no one can excel. In the narrative of certain events I have even borrowed his language.

Read further here:
This is the title of one of the most important religious books in the world, occupying, in the literature of the Higher Buddhism, a place not dissimilar to that of our own New Testament. Its importance is increased when one considers that it formulates the fundamental doctrines of the Mahayana School, and was written by Ashvaghosha, one of the greatest poets of India, during the early part of the first century AD-a period when communication between East and West was reasonably frequent and extensive.


almariada said...


I made a post in my blog with a poem from Ashvaghosha, in portuguese translation, and I'm taking this picture to it. I hope you don't mind, but, if you do, just tell me... :)

I wish you the best!

trix said...

Great post.The portuguese translation was also nice to read.I would certainly prefer to read more foreign fiction which were translated from any languages.Because in that way I could have an idea what do people think,feel or their culture is.When we read books from a foreign country it seems like travelling in that country through the stories plot.We could recognize how they have been living afar from our own culture.

Human Rights Blogger said...

Dear Almariada
Please do so, any content regarding Buddha, Buddhism and Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar are public ones, they are available for use to teach, inspire and spread the teachings of the Buddha, no one should hold copy right or any ownership, it belongs to all of us..

thank you, ~~Saint

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